Vampires of Portlandia by Jason Tanamor is a Filipino-inspired urban fantasy. I got an ARC through Netgalley, for which I’m grateful, but unfortunately, the book wasn’t for me. Sometimes, judging the book by its cover gets me in trouble, and this is one of those times. Vampires of Portlandia has an awesome cover that would […]
eARC Review: Camille Longley & Firefrost
Fireforst by Camille Longley is a YA fantasy novel due to be published on September 21st, 2020. It’s book #0 of the Flameskin Chronicles – a sort of a prequel setting up the scene. Thanks to Netgalley and the author, I got an ARC of the book. Without further ado, let’s dive into this long-postponed […]
eARC Review: Lavie Tidhar & By Force Alone
In By Force Alone, Lavie Tidhar takes an ax to the Arthurian Legend and hacks it into pieces. Pieces that he then weaves into a bloody mess of gory awesome. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher, I had the chance to read the book prior to its release on the 11th of August 2020. And […]
eARC Review: Karin Biggs & The King’s 100
The King’s 100 by Karin Biggs is a summer read filled with magic and excitement! Due to be released on July 21st, I think it’s time to draw some attention to it. *taps mic* READ. THIS. DAMN. BOOK. For the longest time, I thought I was no longer fitted to read YA. I haven’t been […]
eARC Review: Wren Handman & Wire Wings
Wire Wings by Wren Handman is a forthcoming sci-fi novel dealing with love, loss, and VR. Where does VR fit in all this? Let’s find out! I got an eArc of Wire Wings through Netgalley, and I’m thankful to the author and publisher for the opportunity. The book is expected to be published on June […]
Review: Martha Wells & The Murderbot Diaries
Reviewing novellas like The Murderbot Diaries has always been very hard for me. They contain so much in such a small package, and I simply find it challenging. But with the release of Network Effect – the first full-length novel of the Diaries, thought I could give it a shot. So I sat down and […]
Review: Jim Keen & The Paradise Factory
The Paradise Factory is book #1 of the Cortex series, written by Jim Keen. The cover and the cyberpunk feeling to it immediately got me on board. Also, it was available for an immediate read on Netgalley, and given I just registered there, I couldn’t pass on the opportunity. Introduced as a Cyberpunk story set […]
Exciting New Book Releases: May 2020
Five new book releases will be boosting my Goodreads Want-to-Read list! May is in full swing, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, and our lives are still restrained by Covid-19. But books keep on coming out as usual. Why Care About New Book Releases? I’ve come to the realization that I cope better […]
Review: J.R.R. Tolkien’s Unfinished Tales by Christopher Tolkien
Is this an unfinished book review of the Unfinished Tales by J.R.R. Tolkien? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. Read on to find out! The Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-Earth by J.R.R. Tolkien, as edited by his son, Christopher Tolkien, was the lifeline I needed after finishing The Silmarillion. As you can see in […]
Review: Robert Brockway & The Vicious Circuit – Mixing Comedy & Horror
My better half is an avid Robert Brockway supporter. I’ve even read “The Unnoticeables” under his pressure, and I can attest to the fact that Brockway is a great author. But for the sake of my sanity, I thought I could give him a stage to gush about and let it out of his system for […]