Hooked by A.C. Wise is, I believe, the first Peter Pan retelling I’ve read. I got a free copy of the book thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Titan Books. And I got… hooked. Heh. The book was such a pleasant surprise, I gobbled a third of it in a couple of hours. It whetted […]
eARC Review: Olivie Blake & The Atlas Six
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake is one of the best reads I’ve had in 2022. This review is way overdue, but I was in no way capable of writing it after finishing the book. It had to settle. A big thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of […]
eARC Review: H. M. Long & Temple of No God
This review of H.M. Long’s Temple of No God is late, the 2nd book in the Hall of Smoke is already out, so let’s dive right in! The truth is, my SO and I got a PS5 in December, and, as you can imagine, things have been focused on gaming. But I’m here to remedy […]
eARC Review: Charissa Weaks & The Witch Collector
The Witch Collector by Charissa Weaks is a fast-paced fantasy that I devoured, and I’m writing this review to gush about it. It will be released on November 2nd by City Owl Press. If you love young-adult books bordering on new adult dedicated to the enemies-to-lovers trope, then The Witch Collector MUST BE on your […]
eARC Review: Chelsea Lauren & Creatures Most Vile
Creatures Most Vile is Chelsea Lauren’s (from what I gather) debut novel. It’s a young-adult fantasy dystopia that grabs you by the throat from page 1. As (almost) always, I got a free copy of the book through NetGalley, all the way back in August. All opinions are my own. I delayed my Creatures Most […]
eARC Review: Anthony Ryan & The Pariah
The Pariah by Anthony Ryan sets the stage for a new epic medieval fantasy series that feels magical without having magic. I received an ARC of the book thanks to NetGalley and the publisher Orbit, in exchange for an honest review. And this is what you’ll get here. To kick off The Pariah book review, […]
eARC Review: Cameron Johnston & The Maleficent Seven
The Maleficent Seven by Cameron Johnston is one of the several ARCs I’ve been reading recently. It landed on my devices thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Angry Robot. As usual, with every ARC I read, you can expect an honest opinion. Author Rob J. Hayes describes the book as “Kings of the Wyld smooshed […]
eARC Review: H.M. Long & Hall of Smoke
Hall of Smoke by H.M. Long is an incredible, epic-fantasy debut released by Titan Books on January 19th. Are you ready for an adventure? I really wanted to review this book for you sooner but got the eARC a couple of days before the publication date. Still, here I am, with a hyped Hall of […]
eARC Review: Clara O’Connor & Secrets of the Starcrossed
Secrets of the Starcrossed is book #1 in the Once and Future Queen trilogy by author Clara O’Connor. Is it good? Depends on your definition. My Secrets of the Starcrossed review will go over the plot and characters. I will be pointing out some weak points (weak in my opinion). If you have high expectations […]
eARC Review: A.K. Wilder & Crown of Bones
Crown of Bones by A.K. Wilder is an imaginative fantasy that’s to debut on January 5th. This review is a short exploration of the world. As you can expect, I received a free digital copy of the book through NetGalley, and all opinions are my own. I read it last year, but between exams and […]