
Mystery Box: Book Box Club December 2020 | Miracles at Midnight

Time for another Book Box Club unboxing, lovelies! I was thrilled with the December theme Miracles at Midnight! And for good reasons. It will be one of my last boxes from the UK for the foreseeable future, unfortunately. With Brexit messing everything up, I’ll have to skip from February onwards, until my third-party service figures out how they’ll deliver us our UK purchases.

Book Box Club Theme: Miracles at Midnight

But I’ll stop being a negative cookie now and unbox this amazing box from my favorite Mystery Box company. In December, there were two books – the second one is randomly chosen so different subscribers get different books from a pool of titles. I’ve always had tremendous luck with the bonus books! Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, though, and check out the goodies first!

Bookish Goodies:

  • SOCKS – you already know I’m a huge fan of notebooks, but socks… Socks make my tiny heart soar. I already tried out the Reading Past My Bed-Time socks by the Book Box Club and love them!
  • Bookish Calendar – illustrated by Catarina Book Designs, the 2021 Unashamedly Bookish Calendar is gorgeous, here to keep me company, reminding me every day is a new chance to start over.
  • Night Circus Decoration – although our Christmas tree is already tucked away, waiting for next year, this beautiful ornament will find its special place on my bookshelves. It was illustrated by Ewart Studio.
  • Cinder’s Soap – let me tell you, its scent is gorgeous. It’s a mix of tea tree, turmeric, and charcoal, created by Thistle Soapery.
  • Miracles at Midnight Pin – a cute, star-shaped pin, courtesy of the Book Box Club.
  • 2021 Reading Zine & Checklist – of which I already read one of the books since it was the second book in my box.

The Miracles at Midnight Books

As I mentioned, besides the featured read, we had a surprise second book. The first surprise book I got from the girls was Yes No Maybe So by Becky Albertalli and Aisha Saeed, and I fell in love with it. This time around I got The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe and loved it just as much!

The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe

the-girls-ive-been-by-tess-sharpe-book-coverI really hope I can give you a full review soon. The book is bound to be released on the 4th of February. It tells the story of Nora – an ordinary girl who’s had an extraordinary life as a kid, and not in a good way. Her mother used to make her pretend to be different girls in order to con people. Now we see her in the middle of a bank robbery and all the girls she’s been should come and help her. A wonderful thriller! I don’t usually read in this genre, but when I do, it always seems to be a treat. But be careful, there are quite a few trigger warnings.

Paris By Starlight by Robert Dinsdale

paris-by-starlight-by-robert-dinsdale-book-coverI haven’t read anything by Robert Dinsdale, but he seems to be quite popular. The story is set in Paris, which is promising. I’ve read other magical realism books set in Paris – the Le Paris des Merveilles trilogy by Pierre Pevel, it was quite good. Paris By Starlight is a story of magic and mystery on the streets of Paris. To be fair, the book is down on my TBR list, but if you’ve read it, leave a comment down below to share some impressions! I love a passionate recommendation.

Did you grab the December box by the Book Box Club, lovelies? Which was your favorite item?

I’m a copywriter by work, reader by heart, writer by night & a daydreamer all year round. I dabble in graphic design whenever time’s left. I breathe words and try to weave worlds.
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