Time for another Book Box Club unboxing, lovelies! I was thrilled with the December theme Miracles at Midnight! And for good reasons. It will be one of my last boxes from the UK for the foreseeable future, unfortunately. With Brexit messing everything up, I’ll have to skip from February onwards, until my third-party service figures […]
Mystery Box: Book Box Club November 2020 | Secret Societies
The Book Box Club is one of the best mystery boxes for book lovers you can find! Let’s do a late unboxing of November’s Secret Societies box. I’m bringing you this fairly late, as I use a third-party service to get my deliveries from the UK. They took their sweet time, and then it was […]
Visit Sofia: The Museum of Illusions Awaits
After two months in a state of emergency due to Covid-19, Bulgaria is finally making its awakening. I’ve been working from the office for two weeks. And we have the chance to go places again. The first thing I visited after the lockdown was the Museum of Illusions in Sofia. If I say I’m not […]
Mystery Box: Book Box Club April 2020 | Cursed Kingdoms
Book Box Club is my most active mystery box subscription and for good reasons. Let’s see what their April 2020 box themed Cursed Kingdoms had! But first, let me get this out in the open. I’ve been ordering book boxes since 2018, more often than not. Even though I don’t use or need most of […]
An Introvert Writes the Extrovert’s Guide to Social Distancing
*Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels Social distancing, or more accurately – physical distancing has plagued us on equal footing with the Coronavirus outbreak and the economic catastrophe the pandemic spells out. In a global society that views being an extrovert as a virtue, it’s only natural physical limitations to have a huge negative effect on people. […]
Valthura: The Not-So-Humble Goals of a Dreamer
Alright, now that we got out of the way who I am, let’s figure out what I do. My life revolves around writing. I write, both professionally and for pleasure. Writing as in Copywriting [Updated 2022] I’ve been a professional copywriter for 6 years now, and there doesn’t seem to be an end to things […]
Bulgaria: The Humble Origin Story of a Big Dreamer
For a long time, I thought what’s the most proper way to introduce myself. I didn’t want to just start with random reviews and thoughts. Decided I could share where I’m coming from to give you some idea of the spirit that fuels my mortal husk. Welcome to Bulgaria Bulgaria is a small country in […]